The 100 Year Lifestyle Podcast

What IT Is and What IT Isn't

Dr Eric Plasker Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode, What IT Is and What IT Isn't - The 100 Year Lifestyle Way, Dr. Eric Plasker defines the paradigm so that you can move yourself and your family in this direction with more clarity. 
What IT Is...
Topics that are covered in this section include vision, health, energy, lifelong learning, financial abundance, retirement, work life balance and more. You will get a lot of ideas about how you can think and live differently to support your quality of life today and for your longevity.
What IT Is Not...
In this section you will get information that will help you identify things you need to change. You will get a better understanding about why the current generations of seniors and centenarians are suffering in their longevity and how you can live differently and raise your family in a better way.
There is an article on called The 100 Year Lifestyle Way that lists each point covered in this Podcast episode. You will also find this list in The 100 Year Lifestyle 2nd Edition on pages 4-5.Please share this information with family, friends and co-workers so they can join you on this journey.